The Teachers Unions are forcing their control over our schools and young people. I will fight against the unions and protect parental rights. I am against indoctrination in our schools, including Critical Race Theory and pornographic sex education, which is harmful to young minds and lives. I will bring back true American history and civics in our classrooms and restore a love of America.
Law & Order
We are a Constitutional Republic, based on laws. The foundation of a healthy society is equal justice for all and a regulated system of law and order. Social justice is misguided justice. I strongly support our police, ICE agents, and border patrol who deserve our respect and appreciation. It is dangerous to let criminals back on our streets.
For decades, California politicians have increased taxes and imposed excessive regulations on small businesses. The unnecessary and unlawful COVID-19 lockdowns have forced even more businesses to close. As a businessman, for years I dealt directly with these destructive regulations and taxes. I will bring back businesses to California.
Forest Management & Wilfires
For too many years, the mis-management of California’s natural resources has hurt our businesses, economy and inconvenienced our residents. We have avoidable water shortages, out of control fires and misplaced priorities by decision makers. I know how to put California back on track and lower costs. My solutions include water reservoirs, desalination, increased energy production using clean nuclear power as our major source, and rigorous forest management.
Energy Production
We have all the resources necessary to be the cheapest energy state in the country. Let’s use them—oil, hydro-electric, nuclear, and solar.
COVID-19 / Vaccinations / Masks / Lockdowns
I am strongly against mandatory vaccinations for adults and children, lockdowns, and mask mandates. My stand is supported by science, the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Code. This is a government overreach. I am aware that the findings of many doctors and scientists, who are in disagreement with the CDC, are being censored and silenced. I support freedom of thought and individual choice. Americans and the world deserve the truth.
We are now finding out that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a global plan being orchestrated by the World Economic Forum, headed by Klaus Schwab. Read his book, published in August 2020, “COVID-19: The Great Reset.”